Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Total Depravity Because of the fall, man is so corrupt and rebellious against God that apart from the regenerating and effectual work of the Holy Spirit one is unable to repent, trust in, follow, love, please, and delight in God. Often called:Total Inability, Spiritual Death

Unconditional Election God, of His own free will and perfect wisdom, chose whom He would grant faith and effectually call to Himself, before the foundation of the world, without regard to foreseen obedience, faith, repentance, etc.

Limited Atonement Sins have either been atoned for by Christ’s substitutionary death or they will be paid for in eternal hell (not both). Jesus Christ’s death made it possible for God to forgive the sins of anyone who would believe. It is effectual for the elect (those whom God has chosen)—it purchased for them the new covenant gifts of faith and repentance. Often called: Penal Substitutionary Atonement, Particular Atonement, Definite Atonement, Personal Atonement

Irresistible Grace Grace can and will be resisted until God wills to overcome resistance. God’s inward renewing act through the Holy Spirit necessarily brings about faith and repentance, which come in response to the outward communication of the gospel. Often called:Regeneration, New Birth, Efficacious Call of the Holy Spirit

Perseverance of the Saints Only those who persevere to the end in repentant faith will be saved. God works infallibly and effectually to preserve the faith of all the elect—those who come to genuine faith in Christ Jesus and who are truly born again—so that they are never lost. Often called:Preservation of the Saints, Eternal Security of the Elect

from tulipedia

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